What are you having for lunch today?  

Imagine trying to overcome poverty on an empty stomach.  

44 million children in India are living in poverty right now.  Most don't eat nutritious meals even if they get to eat.  Many have no guarantee of lunch every day.  For the ones who are able to go to school, trying to stay focused on an empty, malnourished stomach is impossible.

This Valentine's Day, you can be part of the solution!  Love = Lunch! 

Check out this 1 minute video.  All the footage was taken in Kakdwip, West Bengal last month.  These are actual children in our Career Pathways Program.  Precious lives who are working hard to overcome the poverty they were born into.  You can help give one of them a chance!

Each child has a different story to tell.  Each one has a different dream for their future.  Help one achieve their dreams by making sure they can focus in school with a full belly.  

Give 1 year of lunches for 1 child for $50 in honor of your Valentine.  They'll love this meaningful gift that keeps giving for a whole year.

We'll personalize this e-card and send it to you within 24 hours or less.  You can email it to your loved one on Valentine's Day.    

Valentine's Day e-card.png

This Valentine's Day, let's join together to provide 50 children with lunch for 1 year.

Would you help us spread, "Love = Lunch"?  Link this blog post or the youtube video to your own post on social media. 

Thank you so much!  Happy Valentine's Day!
