The first project and the inspiration for the start of illuminate india
This boy has cerebral palsy and can't walk or talk. Since this project was started, he has learned how to feed himself and play catch. This was his first trip to the park. Isn't his smile is priceless?!
project details
This project is in partnership with Indian Society for the Rehabilitation of Children (ISRC).
Children served by the Special Needs Project are abandoned children with special needs residing at ISRC, as well as impoverished children with special needs living with their families in Kolkata and nearby villages.
Funds raised for this project will provide the following:
physical therapy
2 physical therapy clinics (in Kolkata and a nearby village) for orphans and impoverished children with special needs.
special education
medical care
training for caregivers/families
nutritious meals
Currently raising funds for:
Physical therapy for 20 children, 2 sessions per week. Needed: $3,200
Nutritious meals for up to 30 children. Join the Curry for a Child Challenge to help feed them! ALMOST FUNDED!
Hire a one-on-one assistant for a child with more severe needs. Cost TBA
In India, physical therapy is not widely available and almost non-existent in rural villages. In November 2017, we partnered with ISRC to open this therapy clinic in a village outside of Kolkata. The local children now have an opportunity to get the medical intervention they need on a weekly basis. None of them had ever had access to physical therapy before and all of them have made wonderful progress so far.
Parents and caregivers are getting training on how to properly stretch muscles, safely move children who aren't able to walk, and help their children learn and develop new skills. There is a sense of comraderie and community forming among the families at this clinic. Before, isolation kept them from meeting other families whose children have disabilities. But now they have formed lasting and supportive friendships through the common ground they share.
brighten the futures of children with special needs in india!
past initiatives
new building
In 2014 we received a 25K matching grant from a generous donor. Two amazing ladies took the fundraising challenge and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro raising $19K. Individual donors pitched in and two Curry for a Cause events were hosted for a grant total of $75K raised to help ISRC purchase a new building for the special needs children. The old building was a rental and had a tall staircase that was becoming a hazard as many of the immobile children are getting older and heavier. The new building is right around the corner from their main building, and even has an outdoor courtyard for the children to play in.
In 2013, we raised funds to provide a van for ISRC to transport the special needs children to medical appointments, outside therapies, and park visits. The park is a highlight for the children and whenever we visit, we make sure to schedule a park play date.
building renovations
In 2012, we funded much needed renovations for the building that the special needs children live in.